prepared for an entertaining and wild experience......NovaLogic
has done a spectacular job on Comanche 4 ......"
Excellence.com - Editor's Choice award |
of review (translated):
"The graphics are fantastically slick. Above
all I was struck by the multi-stage explosions.
I have never seen such wonderful animated water
in a game. I flew some missions multiple times
just to see the cool effects again. Simulation
fans that are looking for uncomplicated flight
action should absolutely take Comanche 4 on the
warpath. Even if you have so far preferred first
person shooters, you can't afford to miss this
outstanding game."
GameStar Magazine, Germany,
January 2002 |
4 stuns and delights the senses with superb graphics
and engaging gameplay."
HeloSim.com |
is plenty of intense flying and combat situations
that will have you white knuckled in no time."
Zone Online |